Basic Fall/Winter Style Ideas That Anyone Can Pull Off!!

In this post we have 3 super simple fall and winter options, with a little twist on the fourth option at the end!

1) A Hoodie!

Ok, so we’re going to go over some basic fall/winter style ideas that anyone can pull off! Now, Everybody knows how a hoodie works so I decided to not waste any time on that. Don’t worry I’ll cover the different ways to style a hoodie in a later post. Instead I decided to spice things up a bit by adding a denim vest over the hoodie as a layering option. This is perfect for the fall as the temperatures begin to drop, but still maintain that cool weather sweet spot without feeling too brisk. Very simple, very light option that takes no time to put together but does make all the difference.

In this example I’m wearing a nice pullover hoodie from T.J. Maxx; the brand is “Artist Union” and the feel is very solid, especially on the inside. The vest is from Levi which is always a reliable brand if you’re looking for quality without having to break the bank. I paired this with some dark wash denim from American Eagle, Flint Air Jordan 13’s and topped it off (pun intended) with my trusty bone Adidas hat. If you don’t want to spend too much time putting together an outfit, then this is definitely a winner.

Also I do want to mention that even though darker toned colors are better suited for the colder temperatures, don’t be afraid to have some fun with colors. Vests and hoodies come in a ton of colors and you should definitely mix and match to keep things interesting!

2) Track Pants!

Track pants have always been my go to non-traditional bottom for super casual wear. If you want to run an errand? Track pants. Thinking about going to a friends house? Track pants. These bottoms are perfect, especially as times get chilly! The material of track pants are designed to insulate heat, which will keep you warm. Make sure that that the pants are very well fitted in order to maximize on that functionality. Also try to keep the pant nice and tailored like in the example below for a very clean silhouette.

Track pants can be worn in an abundance of ways but I decided to keep things simple in this example. I paired my navy and red track pants from Pacsun with a pair of Adidas “EQT Support ADV Winter,'(review on those coming very soon) a white tee and Adidas Bone hat. Once again, not a lot going on but stylish nonetheless and very functional.

3) Bomber Jacket with a hood!

Think of a bomber jacket as an elevated version to a crew neck sweater. It can have the same kind of puffy aesthetic, or it can have a streamlined fit to it. The materials however, tend to lean toward the nicer side than a crew neck, tend to have a slight sheen to them and a bomber has a zip going up the middle.

The one that I am wearing in this example has the outline of a zip up hoodie sewn underneath with the hood attached as well. I know that darker colors are better suited for colder weather as they retain heat better, but I live in Miami and so it’s still pretty hot around this time. With that being said, I kept it simple again by pairing the bomber with a pair of white slightly distressed jeans, Adidas Samba sneakers and you guessed it, bone hat (see how versatile he is).

4) Hooded bomber jacket with an overcoat!

I told you there was going to be a twist at the end. This is a very casual way to dress down an overcoat. This is also an awesome way to dress up a bomber jacket. As the temperature gets colder, layering should become an increasing factor in your wardrobe.

This is an out of the box approach to elevating a very simple outfit. I swapped out the Sambas for a pair of Wheat Chelsea boots from “Thursday Boots,” and decided to give Bone hat a rest and bring in my brown suede wide brim fedora from “Urban Outfitters.” Use this to combat the colder temperatures, while ensuring that you look better than 90% of the guys in the room.

So there you have it! 3 basic Fall/Winter style ideas that anyone can pull off!! Number 4 is a bit of a twist, but wear it with confidence and heads will turn!

If you guys enjoyed some of the looks that I put together then you can find links to websites with affordable options down below. Also be sure to follow me on Instagram for more style inspiration! It’s linked down below as well! Later peeps. Till we put the pieces together again.

Links for similar clothing options:


Hooded Bomber Jacket:

Denim Vest:×1368187&catargetid=120156340017429415&cadevice=c&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Google&m_tp=PLA&m_ac=Google_Seasonal&m_ag=AllProducts&m_cn=All_Products_-_GS&m_pi=go_cmp-216849635_adg-17584299995_ad-53151159035_pla-296726553080_dev-c_ext-_prd-192531553794USA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoqDtBRD-ARIsAL4pviBjPItAIwS92Px9GonHl4h4QQKccMoislE3u8djrfjuIH2OVjKX-PEaAggSEALw_wcB

4 thoughts on “Basic Fall/Winter Style Ideas That Anyone Can Pull Off!!”

  1. Pingback: Basic Fall/Winter Style Ideas That Anyone Can Pull Off!! Cont. - Piece Of The Puzzle: Style Consulting

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