5 style golden rules

Meshach’s 5 Style Golden Rules!

Style is a simple thing at its core. Style is one’s ability to combine and coordinate different articles of clothing in order to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Sometimes though; people can find themselves in a situation where they are doing a little too much, or not doing enough. Today we are going to go over Meshach’s 5 Style Golden Rules! that will allow you to take your look to an entirely new level!

1. Fitted does not mean tight.

Today in Meshach’s 5 Style Golden Rules we’re going to start with an issue that’s been gnawing at my soul for a very long time now. This first point will act as a bit of venting for me. Fitted does not mean tight. Repeat after me. Fitted does not mean tight! I am SO sick and tired of this misconception, that fitted clothes mean that they should be tight on you. There is such a thing as too tight, and there is such a thing as too loose. Do you know who thinks that fitted means tight? Unstylish people, that’s who. You’re reading this article because you want to elevate your style game. Well, get this through your head now and fast. Repeat it to yourself in the mirror if you have to. Your pieces should follow the silhouette of your body in a streamlined fashion(pun intended). The fit is meant to compliment your body and accentuate your features, not hide everything and provide false information about what you look like underneath. Larger person? That’s fine. It doesn’t mean you have to wear nightgowns everywhere. On the flip side, this also doesn’t mean that you should look like a can of bursting biscuits. The same rules apply to a smaller person. Small can of bursting biscuits.

Below is a perfect example of a shirt and pants that are entirely too tight! These are not fitted clothes!

Here’s an example of clothes that are just way too big! We don’t have to go to extremes when searching for pieces to wear! It’s not that hard people.

Here are perfect examples of how your clothing should fit you. Notice how it follows the silhouette of the body while still providing enough room for comfort.

2. Tailor before buying.

You don’t have to always buy clothes in order to maximize your wardrobe. A lot of times we already have clothing that looks good, unfortunately, it just fits poorly. That can be solved through this magical person that we in the style world call a tailor. Tailors are gifted from the gods with the ability to raise unworn clothes from the dead and resuscitate them with new life! It’s almost always cheaper to bring clothes back from the dead than it is to buy new clothes. I can almost guarantee that whoever is reading this has that one or few pieces of clothing that they always loved and wished they could still pull it off, but it’s just a bit too big to wear. Well, I wanna let you in on a little secret. You can. Tailor your clothes. You’ll be glad that you did.

Here are a few examples of what a tailor can do.

3. Experiment.

Your style will never evolve if you are constantly afraid to step outside of your fashion comfort zone. There are so many different kinds of clothing combinations that can combat whatever is killing your cool points! Color combos, size combos, fabric combos and different piece combinations. Your style should never be a uniform. You should never be known as the guy who wears whites and khakis. I know that you’re automatically thinking “well tell that to Steve Jobs.” Yeah well, Steve wasn’t trying to up his style game. You are, and that’s why you’re on this website. Now, this does not mean that you should buy every single thing that you see. You can keep your wardrobe minimal and stylish at the same time. But in order to be stylish, you must not be afraid to try different things. You’d be surprised at how much stuff looks good on you!

4. Have fun with it.

Getting dressed should never be a drag. Dressing for an occasion should especially never be a drag. Clothing is meant to protect you from the elements while looking good, thus raising your confidence. Your outfit is your suit of armor. Wear it proudly. People who hate getting dressed are the people who hate what they have in their closet and how they look in their clothes. People get excited to get dressed up because they know that they’re going to absolutely kill it and look amazing in their garments. That’s what we’re trying to inspire you to do with this website. When you have fun with your outfits, it translates to my last point.

5. Don’t care what other people think.

You will never impress 100% of the people that see you. I want that to sink into your head right now. If some folk don’t find puppies and Jesus that impressive, then trust me they will not find you impressive. And that’s ok. At the end of the day, style and wardrobe are supposed to make you feel good about yourself. Of course, compliments are welcomed, but that’s a bonus. Never dress for others. That’s how you find yourself always spending money following trends, and not truly loving what you’re in. Why do you think we always see different looks that may come off as taboo or even wacky looking? It’s because that individual is comfortable enough to not care of other opinions and to trust that they look good. If you’re wearing a brand that people look down on and that’s all you got, well then rock that motherfucker like you mean it! They’ll get over it after about 10 seconds. Wanna make that not so great shirt or pant look good? Tailor it. Don’t have money for the trendy items? Oh well. You can put together an outfit from Walmart that looks just as good as an outfit from Gucci. Don’t sweat the small stuff. And the small stuff is what others think of your outfit.

There you have it folks. Meshach’s 5 Style Golden Rules! With all that being said, I hope that you guys find this post inspirational. It truly came from deep down in my soul. Start with these guidelines and you’ll be dressing better in no time. Combine these rules with the info from my older posts such as this or this and nothing will be able to stop you from being the best dressed guy in the room. Later peeps. Till we put the pieces together again.

As a bonus, I’ve included links to similar articles that echo my same thoughts on your style. You can find them below.

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